
Our vision is to create a global premier training facility for climate action and peace building that promotes social justice, personal healing, environmental stewardship, and lasting peace. This center will serve as a focal point for innovative learning, teamwork, and community building, allowing people to create resilient societies and tackle the interrelated problems of conflict and climate change.


Our mission is to nurture humanity, equip people and communities with the knowledge, abilities, and networks necessary to promote lasting peace, resolve disputes, and respond to climate change and biodiversity loss . We work to create a more equitable, resilient, and environmentally sustainable society via transformative education, creative research, and cooperative partnerships.

Our background

The Peace Process in Northern Ireland is regarded as one of the most successful in the world. David Donohue from Irish Aid drew lessons from it when his team were planning the Sustainable Development Goals. EcoPeace projects work to build bridges between polarised groups in our society today. We research, and document stories of how people from different backgrounds (often polarised) came together for a higher purpose in the border region and globally. We teach 3 strands of Peace; inner, outer and with nature.